Johnstown Flood

Johnstown Flood
Aftermath or effects of this flood

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


           Could air bursts been a factor in this flood?
                                       We know that the flood was caused by a dam failure from a heavy rainfall. Could water have really destroyed everything? Air bursts are basically just a burst of air. But before meterologists classified them most people thought that the damage done by airbursts had really been caused by tornadoes they just didn't happen to see. The Johnstown Flood also occured during a horrific thunderstorm and guess when airbursts explode? During thunderstorms!! Because the damage was so great and there were so many different factors(dam failure, horrible rain storm, etc) airbursts could have easily contributed to the destruction of the Johnstown Flood of 1889.


  1. Hey, I like your blog a lot, it really caught my eye. I thought it was very intriguing and interesting.
    It taught me a lot. My question I have for you is can airburst have water in them?
    Well, thanks for teaching me some new facts!

  2. Did you know that there were over 20 million tons of water that was released from the dam? That it had killed over 2,200 people. It had gotten worse because of the rainfall that had lasted couple of days after the dam had burst. Pretty much everything had been destroyed and a lot lives were lost during those days.

  3. I have a few questions for this post:
    1. Well this one really isn't a question but please explain a little more about an air burst for me and the sake of others. It is just alot to take in at one time. I understand what they are but explain a little more on what it does.
    2. How did you get the idea that all the damage of the flood was caused by air bursts? It is a really good theory in my opinion. These air bursts are like destructive tornadoes so they could have easily contributed.
    3. How much damage can one air burst do? I want to know if there is such a thing as a scale for them like there is for earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. If there is, which one has been the highest that was recorded?

  4. Well Chickadee, an air burst is a powerful wave of well air that comes down and practically destroys everything it comes in contact with, similar to a tornado, but no funnel clouds are involved. I got the idea that some of the damage of the flood was caused by air bursts because of how they form. Air bursts are common during heavy rain storms and Johnstown experienced one that lasted a few days! Also I sort of guessed that some damage was caused by air bursts, I guess we'll never know! Next, I'm not quite sure if there is a scale to determine how bad an air burst could be or was. I don't think there is because air bursts can never really be predicted they just happen, maybe that's something you can research ;)
